realignment touch of faith, divine & spiritual healing
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          Medical course is expensive nowadays. Long years of study, with expensive medical books and equipment. Places of treatment, clinics, hospitals, and centers are very expensive.

          To recover the cost of their studies and the cost of their various therapeutic equipment needed in the medical practice, expectedly, there is skyrocketing of the medical charges.

          Presently, to stay alive and healthy is a luxury exclusively enjoyed by the famous and the rich. These medical services are aggravated by the high cost of medicine owing to expensive laboratories, expensive ingredients for drugs , the approval of drugs for general use by the proper government agency cost more and above all, marketing very competitive and costly nowadays.

          Each year , to be abreast with scientific and technological advancement, medical men complicated their studies and their cure. Drugs are becoming complicated and competitive. Costly medical services and equipment are necesarily effective is a great misconception but likely to thrive in a society where high cost is considered a "class" and "status" symbol.

          However, Divine healing is showing the simple cause and the simple cure for all diseases. Therefore, it is wrongful to cure simple cause with complicated and highly technological testing/cure. The simple cause for all diseases is misalignment and naturally, the simple cure is realignment. So simplistic, so effective because it is God's way[John 14:16].

          If Misalignment theory will be accepted by science, there will be a drastic reduction of medical course, with fewer books to study , coupled with the use of simplier laboratory equipment.

          With this trend, medical course will be less expensive and with lesser years to study. With lesser expenses, medical services will be highly reduced and health cost and services will be already affordable by all in the incoming years.

          Under the simplistic theory of Misalignment theory, medical course will focus primarily on the study of the immune system. With a passable immune system, the health of everyone is assured with no cost at all. It is not the doctor that heals but man's exclusive immune system. The curative process/cells replacements of the damaged parts in the body cannot be undertaken by any normal healing. There is no laboratory or drugs that can make replacement cell for any damaged cell.

          Therefore, everyone should learn to trust and rely on God's first gift of healing- the immune system[natural healing]. We should trust its functions, because it is irreplaceable by any equipment in the world today.

          Finally, man should not venture to cure the immune system because it is indestructible and non-curable, being cured itself. Every time there are problems, such immunological problems or errors arose not because of the weakening condition of the immune system but it is a case where a potent, ever functional immune system losing its protective, engineering and healing activities due to lack of passage. Let the immune system pass by corrective realignment and it will take care of you till the time that God's has set for every man- "... and a time to die..."[Ecclesiastes 3:2]

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