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          Chapter 5 of Part One entitled: "THE QUEST FOR THE 'MISSING LINK OF MAN' SOLVED BY LYMPHATIC SYSTEM" was published in the Philippine Star Issue of September 4, 1999, one of the national dailies of the Republic of the Philippines.

          The publication was reacted by Prof. Ancog and his reaction was published on September 17, 1999, p.12.


          This is in response to the letter of Efren V. Ramirez Sr., printed 9/4/99:

          I protest Ramirez's assertion that "men of science attempted to reduce the Word of God into a fiction." It seems to imply that we scientists, myself included, are disbelieving atheists bent on destroying/distorting religion. The scientific community has a plethora of individuals with believers, non-believers and agnostics alike. There is an organization of scientists, the US-based Affiliation of Christian Geologists, that investigate the ways in which Christian faith and geology bear upon one another.

          Also, in his 1950 encyclical Humani Generis, Pope Pius XII deemed evolution a "serious hypothesis", worthy of more investigation. More recently, the Pontifical Academy of Science stated in its 1996 meeting that "new knowledge" leads us to recognize in the theory of evolution more than a hypothesis."

          Ramirez's vociferous attacks on evolution come about through the failure to appreciate the changes that have occurred in evolutionary thought. The most significant development is the emergence of theistic evolution, which states that God played [and continues to play) an active role in controlling the development of the universe and life.

          As such, it is unfair to dismiss all evolutionary theories as atheistic . It is with humility that scientists admit that science in itself is insufficient to explain man's existence and purpose. At the same time, faith teaches us little about the physical world.

          To quote Gerald L. Schroeder in his book, The Science of God: The Convergence of Scientific and Biblical Wisdom, "A theologican's pretense that the data [from fossils] are the fabricated musing of demented godless scientists is counter productive to all sides [of the creation- evolution debate]."

          There shouldn't be a conflict between the Big Bang theory and Genesis, as they deal with Creation on different levels, the physical and metaphysical. Is there explicit evidence in the Bible that evolution and the Big Bang are completely contradictory to creation?

          I don't see scriptural evidence for the claim that life is incapable of change over time. Is there any definitive contradiction in the two premises that mankind was created in the likeness of God, and that mankind evolved from earlier hominids?

          I don't see any thing godless about the belief that birds evolved from advance predatory dinosaurs. That many organisms are now extinct and are represented today only by fossils does not per se discredit evolution. Extinction merely shows that some organism were incapable of adapting to changing conditions. And what is the distinction between creatures destined for extinction and procreation, may I ask?

          As a paleontologist, I decry Ramirez's dismissal of palentological study as a waste of money and effort. Science, the search for truth on a physical level, is a tribute to God; paleontology testifies to the diversity of life and travails that it under went through time.

          The search for missing links is not a futile efforts as Ramirez triumphantly claims. Paleontologists who notice similarities between classes of disparate organisms are motivated to search for intermediate stages that show how one bodily structure gives way to another. Or the presence of vestigial organs in animals leads scientists to wonder if they were fully functional in the distant past. The existence of rudimentary hind limbs in whales, for examples lead scientists to question whether their ancestors formerly lived on land, an idea that was strengthened in the last decade by a series of spectacular whale fossils found in Egypt, Pakistan and India, with well-developed hind limbs.

          Finally, I fail to see the relevance of the lymphatic system in discussion over creation and evolution. So what if its functions to defend the body? Yes it does play a role in eliminating genetically aberrant cells, but is that in itself complete insurance against mutation that may be passed on to a parent's offspring, a crucial mechanism of evolution? Moreover, I find it questionable that the "soul is maintained and fashioned by the lymphatic system" when elsewhere Ramirez quotes Genesis in saying that "God created man to His likeness." Is not the immaterial soul created directly by God? (sgd} Raymond Thaddeus C. Angcog. Assistant Secretary of Paleontological Society of the Philippines and resides at 5 Don Mario St., Don Antonio Heights in Quezon City.

    On September 29, 1999 issue in page 12 thereof Philstar published the rejoinder of the herein proponent to Prof. Ancog's letter, entitled:


          This is my comment/rejoinder to the item entitled "Creation v. Evolution Debate Goes On" appearing in your Philippine Star issue of Sept. 17,1999, p. 12,

          Evolution should be shelved as a subject of debate as against creation/procreation. Truth [procreation] cannot be pitted against nothing [evolution]. Evolution is nothing but a mere figment of fertile imagination of Mr. Charles Darwin and his adherents.

          Firstly, in the field of law, the Old Testament [2000-1500 B.C.] and the New testaments[70-100 AD] are ancient documents/books and have primacy over Darwin's "Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life " written in 1859. Accordingly, when Darwin advocated that theory 140 years ago, Adamic existence was already confirmed by the birth[procreation] of Historical Jesus, the Second Adam . Jesus Christ becomes the antithesis of Adam: sin and death come to making through Adam, justification and life through Jesus Christ [Rom. 5, 12.17ff].

          Secondly, man in God's likeness is the prevailing "status quo" since Adam to the present time; hence, those who theorized man's linkage to the "apes" have the burden of proof/evidence but unfortunately, there is one incontrovertible proof- no ape has ever become a man or vice-versa

          Thirdly, confirmatory findings- i.e., Mendelian theory of heredity, tubal and artificial insemination, DNA experiment and "cloning" process have actually mooted Darwinism.

          Fourthly, modern technologies [i.e.,radio, tv, computer, and other gadgets of value] show that man has God's capability and creativity as against the "apes" who up to this point of time, have never invented single "brief" to cover their private parts.

          Fifthly, While Palenteologist Raymond Thaddeus Ancog just like other scientists did not find any relevance to the lymphatic system, this system[natural healing and first healing gift of God] when properly appreciated is the bearer/protector of the "blueprint" of God's likeness [Gen. 1:16] and correspondingly, any defying replacement cells to such blueprint are highly cancerous.

          Any believer of God would not allow the expenditures of good money to prove a non-probable theory with a wrong a cause- proving that God does not exist or proving the errancy of the Bible.

          Good research must be supported. But misdirected research is not only the source of false education but should be discouraged to avoid wastage of funds and precious time.

          Darwin theory should be expunged in all medical and scientific books because the lymphatic system of man finds the theory highly impossible, biologically. The lymphatic system solves man's quest for his "missing link" and the "armpit test" [Misalignment Theory] would surely end not only Darwinian theory and the various 'culprits "tagged by science to cause cancer- his food, vices [smoking, drinking] and environment [i.e. pollution, of any form etc] but also the use of other "animals" [for men] as "guinea pigs" in their expensive researches [double the cost].

          Darwin theory should be expunged in all medical and scientific books because the lymphatic system of man finds the theory highly impossible, biologically. The lymphatic system solves man's quest for his "missing link" and the "armpit test" [Misalignment Theory] would surely end not only Darwinian theory and the various 'culprits "tagged by science to cause cancer- his food, vices [smoking, drinking] and environment [i.e. pollution, of any form etc] but also the use of other "animals" [for men] as "guinea pigs" in their expensive researches [double the cost].

          The World Health Organization [WHO] and the multifarious cancer foundations/centers scattered throughout the world have been informed via-email about this phenomenon: cancer is a replacement cell that is antigenetic being an immunological error. Expectedly, total inaction and silence from them for this discovery is irrefutable and unthinkable, coming from a "source" they wanted to disprove- "There is no God."

          Hopefully, the Palentologist Society of the Philippines may be willing to be demonstrated of this Misalignment theory of Divine healing with full media coverage showing that any replacement cell defying God's likeness is cancerous; that man makes his own cancerous cells and that the sole culprit is his own personal defect[ misaligned armpit/s] .

          The test for misaligned armpit/s would set the correct course of cancer research and the propriety of further expenditures for the search of the "missing link" of man or that of the birds. Offered demonstration is not a debate but sharing the goodness and enlightenment from the Lord, Our Healer and Personal Savior.

          Emphatically, as far as the Divine healing and its realigning touch of faith is concerned, the search for the cause/s of cancer, HIV, etc. and the missing link of man is already over...

          Contrary research is now useless and misdirected.

          Atty. Efren V. Ramirez Sr.


    To said publication Paleontologist Ancog made this reply published in the Philippine Star issue of October 11, 1999 p.12 thereof:


          This is in response to the letter of Efren V. Ramirez, Sr. published September 29, 1999: None of the five arguments Mr. Ramirez presented disproves evolution. First, the Bible says nothing repudiating evolution. Veracity of documents is the focus here, which is unrelated to their age, so furnishing the antiquity of the Bible as against Darwin's book is pointless. Evolution is unconcerned with Jesus' genealogy and Redemption, so why mention them? Second, evolution deals with human prehistory and origins [hence the importance of the similarity of simian and hominid fossils] not with modern human history. We also don't respect evolution in a measurable amount of time. Third, heredity as discovered by Gregor Mendel's experiment illustrates the transmission of genes, a factor in evolution; cloning and sterilization are immaterial in this discussion. Fourth, comparisons between human and simian intelligence, as well as technological innovations, are beyond the scope of evolution, so once again this is an irrelevant issue. [Besides which, apes do not have lust and shame the way human have, hence, the lack of necessity for underwear]. And fifth, the imperfect immunological system of humans [or any vertebrate] does not preclude the survival of aberrant cells that can pass on genetic mutations to the next generation. With time, mutations can lead to changes in morphology that set off such individual as a new species. The real issue here, however, is the misconception that creation and evolution are always in conflict. This is strengthened by the off-repeated "creation versus evolution". But this need not be. The two don't have to contradict as far as theistic evolution is concerned because the Big Bang and evolution explain in detail what Genesis narrates in two chapters and 56 verses. One might as well use "and evolution" or "creation through evolution." What the Bible teaches in simple, general terms, science explains in analytical, detailed terms.

          Should anyone wish to carry this debate further, they may want to do so in another medium or forum, where I can discuss at length and in greater detail theistic evolution. Needless to say my position on the retention of evolution is pretty obvious.

          Finally, let me say that charging entire medical organizations with wholesale conspiracies to promote atheism is a very serious act. This I find totally baseless, as Mr. Ramirez has not established a credible motive. As a practising Catholic, I am surprised that he has chosen this tack, after I had made it abundantly clear the scientists run the gamut from believers to agnostics to atheists. Please, Mr. Ramirez, do not stonewall the debate by stereotyping all evolutionists and oncologists as atheists. [Sgd] Raymond Thaddeus C. Angcog [The writer is an assistant secretary of Palentological Society of the Philippines based at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City resides at 5 Don Mario Street, Don Antonio Heights, Quezon City].

    The FINAL COMMENT of the herein proposer to said Prof. Ancog's reply is this:
    A FINAL MESSAGE ON MISALIGNMENT THEORY [Published by the Philippine Star issue of November 1, 1999 p. 10]

          My best evidence of procreation is Prof. Ancog and the rest of the billion readers of the world- all in God's likeness [Gen.1:26].

          Patently, the Genesis repudiates evolution because of this procreative order of God :"Be fertile and multiply"[Gen.1:22,28]. Likewise, the different components/elements in each planet and their orderly gravitational movement, per NASA's findings, confirm Genesis and put Big Bang theory highly questionable [ ie., sharpnels of the respective exploded grenades or bombs have the same elements, and "destruction"/ "disorderly" is the eventual result, not "orderly"].

          A theory that is erroneous/false is not convertible to truth by "prescription." Henceforth, the men of science even afforded an additional "1001 years" would not be able to produce a man coming from the monkey's womb or vice versa. In contrast as advocator of the Misalignment Theory of the Divine healing, I can prove in two minutes that cancer is an immunological error due to the obstructing effect of the system's passage caused by the misaligned armpit

          Incidentally, I am an author of a" Handbook on the Fundamentals in Argumentation and Debate "and in Prof. Ancog's article -"Reply to Ramirez" [PhilStar issue of Oct. 11, 1999] he used fallacy of argumentum ad hominem and fallacy of generalization. I never accused all the men of science of propagating "atheism." Phraseologies used are: "Godless science", "Science errs, God is Perfect" and "Science is nothing without God" which mean that there is only one science and God authors it. So when the science of men conforms with that of God, there is no error but if the science of men is against the science of God,[nature], there is an error and false education eventually results. Majority of the medical men believe in God. Some believing them merely as "God's instruments" [ [Sirach 38 :1-14]. Others make God, their scapegoat of their own fatal errors/negligence/omission - "It is God's will."

          I have this final message that I am challenging Prof. Ancog or any expert in specific diseases to a debate on this proposition: Resolved: "that a Filipino, Catholic lawyer engaged in Divine healing discovers the causal pattern [misalignment] for cancer and other syndromes [i.e., HIV, migraine, diabetes, arthritis, down, autism, etc.]and their best cure is correctible realignment."

          We either debate it or I demonstrate with actual patients in full media coverage. In so short a time [ i.e. 2 minutes or more] we will have the result. I deliberately made demonstration as an alternative procedure because no men of science ever studied and experimented misalignment theory as the causal pattern for all the incurable and recurring diseases of our time.

          This debate or demonstration will end and finally settle the intriguing/perplexing and confusing issues, false education and false health scare of our time, such as, among others: Is Divine healing scientific? Is God's ways and thoughts on causes and cure of diseases,. different from that of the genius of men? Since Darwinism is wrong should men be the "Guinea pigs" in the therapeutic experiments and that the use of "substitutes" [mice, monkeys, etc.] be abandoned to cut experimental cost and minimize side-effects of drugs? Are diseases incurable or hereditary? Is cancer "genetic" or anti-genetic? Are all cancer caused by immunological error due to restrictive passage inflicted by the misaligned armpit/groin? Which is dangerous :cancer or its present experimental cure? Is smoking dangerous to health or to the unhealthy only ? Which is correct: Genesis . 2:7 or the Clean Air Act of the world? Is passive smoking unscientific and also an impossible crime? Should the incorporation of the misalignment theory in the medical books capable of reducing medical course by 3 years because of its curative simplicity? Are foods[cholesterol theory, dietary theory, etc.] merely aggravating factors for the unhealthy people? Are antibiotics appropriate in respiratory ailments when phlegms are "solidifying errors" of oxygen in the gas exchanges due to misalignment? Are medical men guilty of violating human rights for removing functional breasts, ovary, lungs, etc. when the defect is merely in the misaligned armpit? Are cancerous people making solely and exclusively their own cancerous replacement cells? Is the health of the world guaranteed by immunization/vaccination or merely by good child care and proper mothering? Should the sponsors [governmental, NGO, private sectors] of disease foundations willing to fund the research by way of humanizing the misalignment theory?

          Hopefully, the tobacco industries or oil firms or Philstar should sponsor this crucial and unprecedented debate subject to loser's refund. When demonstration is availed of, it will be subject to refund if I cannot prove my Misalignment theory.

          Finally, I am proud to be a Filipino. But no Filipino ever believed this breakthrough to science because Filipinos are fond of discriminating their own kind. The world likewise does not believe it because it is advocated by a Filipino. My brother Filipinos, the men of science and the peoples of the world should not commit another blunder identical to 2000 years ago : "Is there anything good from Galilee (Nazareth)?["no prophet gains acceptance in his native place", see Luke 4:25; John 7:42;7:52].

          As presently posed:- "Is there anything good coming from the Philippines?...."

    Atty. Efren V. Ramirez, Sr. Prof. of Law, USJ-R, College of Law author of several legal, commercial, taxation ,political and religious(healing) books # 7 Oliva St., Cebu City; Charismatic Healer and proposer of Misalignment Theory of Divine Healing
    Website: Http://


          This is a continuing challenge to a debate or demonstration to all oncologists and other experts in diseases throughout the world today. Non-acceptance of this debate or challenge is DEFAULT on the part of science and its inability to REFUTE at this point of time the Misalignment Theory because NO ONE admittedly, ever studied it or experimented it. Science needs more years to refute the IRREFUTABLE- Misalignment theory of Divine healing. Henceforth, there is truism to this challenging Biblical passage:

    "For God's folly is wiser than men, And his weakness more powerful than men." [1 Corinthians 1:25].


          This Misalignment Theory is the most scientific theory of all times but not in the scientific/medical books. This Misalignment theory is actually a breakthrough to science being the most plausible, logical, sensical and effective therapeutic theory that science may have encountered in its lifetime but, regrettably, not acceptable by the men of science because it comes from the most unexpected source- a non-scientist [i.e., , Filipino, Catholic, charismatic and practicing lawyer involved in (Divine) healing ministry].

          This apostolic work and humble theory- Misalignment Theory of the Divine Healing which expunged Darwinism may be copied in the incoming years and may be claimed by other pretenders in this highly competitive and technical world but herein proposer/advocator has the 4-ace in his favor :

          First, his six(6) copyrighted books espousing Misalignment Theory [1995-1997] and his capsulized 130 articles are first in this world to be entered globally via internet- [] ;

          Second, he has the specific identification and location of the dreaded misalignment of the human body mentioned in his copyrighted books/capsulized articles in the internet;

          Third, no medical and alternative medicine have this theory in their respective books and above all, the

          Fourth and the last ace is this: his source of this revelatory information is God [John 15:16] and so he is gifted with Divine Healing [1 Cor. 12:9] enabling him to remove and effect correctible realignment resulting in the disappearance or shrinking of cyst, goiter, etc. by prayerful words -"In Jesus Name" or merely a mild touch [ie. Realigning touch of Faith] or by distant healing in Jesus Name using the recent technologies of our time-TV, radio, telephone] or by substitution or by "proxy" [i.e., a son may be touched and prayed for in Cebu City in behalf of his sickly mother or in any part of the world]. These phenomena could not be duplicated or made possible unless with God's blessing. and option. God' healing power is unlimited and always showered to those who believe Him and willing to undergo spiritual cleansing- [sacrament of confession/reconciliation and communion].

          Paradoxically, every nation is spending so much resources looking for the causes and cure of Cancer, HIV and other syndromes and be proud of anyone providing them the answer but not in this case- the unexpected source, discoverer and proposer, is a FILIPINO. The Philippine government and its health officials did not believe him. His people are skeptical about it. Other peoples do not believe him - Is there good coming from the Republic of the Philippines? God chooses His instrument/s from His people [John 15:16] to lead His people He loves to the correct Life, Way and Truth [John 14:5]. "Whoever is of God hears every word God speaks. The reasons you do not hear is that you are not of God" [John 8:47].

          Finally, the choice is now yours


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