realignment touch of faith, divine & spiritual healing
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          In the world there are only two genuine healing: Natural healing and Divine[spiritual] Healing. The rest of the classes of healing [normal, paranormal,etc.] are merely to assist the natural healing [known in science as "immunity system"] of every man.

           Medicine and alternative medicine [reflexology, shiatsu, acuppresure, acupuncture,etc.] assisting and coordinating with natural healing are considered from Divine healing view as "normal healing." Faith [i.e., psychism, spiritism, pranic,etc.] and divine [charismatic or spiritual] healing are considered from medical [normal] point of view as "faith healing"; however, both differ because Divine Healing is a gift of the Holy Spirit [ 2 Cor.12-9]; whereas, faith healing[paranormal] comes from other sources. Divine healing in effect is "a natural healing in accelerated form."

          Pray over[ lay hands] is the standard procedure of the highest healing of the world- the Divine healing, with spiritual realigning touch, as its alternative spiritual healing . Realigning Touch of Faith postulates "Misalignment Theory" of the Divine Healing for such theory espouses that all diseases ranging from the much-feared cancer to respiratory ailments are caused by bodily defects [misalignment] which hamper and obstruct the free passage of the circulatory and immunity systems. No disease is hereditary, incurable or non-recurrence If mild misalignment is the cause so the simple and perfect cure is realignment or free passage thereof. But Misalignment is missing in the medical books and this explain why science never thought of realignment to achieve free passage of the two systems as the best cure ;henceforth, their medical books have admissions of futility- various "syndromes"[carpal, down's syndrome, migraine, autism, etc. ]with unknown causes and unknown cure. Often times not so perfect cure is discovered by science for a disease although its cause is unknown [i.e.,surgical operation and blood transfusion for cancer; painkillers for arthritis, migraine , hyper-acidity].

          God is the author of man [Gen. 1:26] science and medicine [Sirach 38:4-8] so SCIENCE IS NOTHING WITHOUT GOD. Expectedly, Science is now planting the seeds of confusion in the world today : First, their effective cure of cancer[operation/blood transfusion] being rendered "ineffective" by their chemotherapy, radiation,,etc. Second, aggravating factors are made causal patterns such as food [i.e., sugar, fats, etc.]and beverages to be causing certain diseases -obesity, goiter, arthritis, diabetes, heart ailments when they are fit to be taken [Mk.7:19]. Third, smoking, drinking, air pollution and chemicals are made culprits of cancer and respiratory diseases when Gen. 2:7 and natural healing made them impossible. Fourth, scientific theories are geared outside of man, not inside of man and his inner defects- the dreaded misalignment. Fifth, science considers cancer as "genetic" when it is "anti-genetic"[immunological] because the immunity system, God's keeper of the genes of His Likeness [Gen. 1:26] due to restrictive passage errs in its functions. MISALIGNMENT deserves scientific consideration because it is a REVELATORY WAY [John.14:6] to His people He loves [John.14:23-26].

          GOD IS LOVE!

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