realignment touch of faith, divine & spiritual healing
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    The Spiritual Approach

          The supernatural or divine healing as repeatedly discussed in the eight (8) books of the author/proponent may be administered by the ministering persons through any of the following:

          (1) Sacramental healing -done or being serviced by the members of the Holy Orders [i.e. priests, bishops] administering the seven sacrament of the Church instituted by Christ;

          (2) Non-sacramental healing- or the charismatic gift of healing [as gift of the Holy Spirit;see 1 Corinthians 12:22];and may be administered by the laymen[laity].

          Classified as non-sacramental healing by the Charismatic are: the inner healing, healing of memories, exorcism[deliverance], healing of the family tree, and outer[physical] healing.

    Addictions: Their Approaches

          The usual method of healing the addicts after the latter are made to undergo the required processing [spiritual cleansing] is deliverance or casting of "undesirable spirits" such as the clusters of afflictive spirit -i.e., anger, lust, fear, bitterness, depression, insecurity, guilt, drug addiction, vices of drinking, smoking and gambling,etc. Charismatics use laying on of hands. In the case of the herein author/proponent in view of some special discernment ["revelatory" in nature] he has been receiving, he uses two(2) methods: the orthodox laying on of hands and "realigning touch", as an alternative spiritual healing.

          The author has observed in the course of his apostolate work that addiction is traceable to troubled minds and the latter is discerned to be primarily caused by bone misalignment in the back [between the level of left scapular bone and the spinal column].

    Laying On of Hands

          Since earliest times , some people have believed that they have the ability to bring about healing for physical and mental illness by placing their hands on or near the affected person or party, so transferring some sort of power. Thus, "The laying on of hands" is a rite of healing touch practiced by the earliest Christians as they prayed over the sick [Jas. 5:14]. Jesus frequently touched to heal and told his disciples that they will lay hands upon the sick, who will recover"[Mark 16:18]. Thus, St. Paul was healed of blindness by Ananias who laid hands on him [Acts 9:17]. To the Jews, touch bestowed one's power just as Moses laid his hands and power on Joshua [Number 28:18-20] or as Jesus felt power go out from when when touched by the woman with hemorrhage [Luke 8:46]. "Touch" remain important event to the early Church, as exemplified by Irenaeus [15 A] who reported that he and others "will heal the sick by laying hands on them and they are made whole." The early Christians developed such a "laying on of hands" using God's power through the Holy Spirit and it is still practiced by Christian healers, especially those of the charismatic churches. Alternatively,a similar hand technique, sometimes called "hand healing", "contact healing or "touch healing" is an integral part of the spiritual healing.

    RealigningTouch: An Alternative Spiritual Healing

          The author/ proponent is gifted by the Lord with special gift- removing bone misalignment or dislocation which from natural healing as basis is already considered "incurable defect/s" and for discussion, see the following topics in the the other works of the author/proponent:

          (1) "The Touch/Contact Healing: As An Alternative Spiritual Healing",Chapter 8, "Touch: An Alternative Spiritual Healing "[Physical Healing for Incurable Defects"], 1995 Edition, pp. 32-36;
          (2) "Touch:The Alternative Spiritual Procedure", Chapter 13, "Healing: As Spiritual [Divine] Giift", 1996 Edition, pp.104- 105].

    The Place to be Touched

          It is the Charismatic observation of the author that people who are suffering from different mental ailments ranging from mental retardation to nervousness are discerned to be caused by mild bone misalignment. The specific place is between the level of the left scapular bone and the spinal column. People with this type of misalinement are prone to suffer the following mental defects: autism,deaf-mutism,blindness,stunted/distorted growth[i.e.,dwarfism, giantism], feeble-mindedness, unsound minds, distorted feelings[too- much hatred, jealousy, shyness, fear or no distorted sensation] homicidal / suicidal tendencies, etc Addictions are closedly related to troubled minds. People with troubled minds and distorted feelings are seeking drugs for treatment and solutions of their mental and psychic problems.

    Alignment: Alternative Healing

          Most addicts when touched are suffering this type of misalignment. Worst scenario for this misalignment would be that as after effect of drugs abuse would not only be "addiction" but "nervous breakdown," as well. Users of drugs with no misalignment do not become necessarily "addicts" unless greater quantities[high dosage] are being taken. They seldom experience tripping or hallucinations as that felt or experienced by those with the referred misalignment. They take drugs not for treatment of their mental problems [for they do not have any or they are using it merely for curiousity] but as "energizer" to keep them awake or alert. However, this type of people finds drugs too expensive for the purpose. In effect, they can stop anytime with no effects. Note: The author is taking 3 or more cups of coffee daily since 1963 but has not experienced any "insomia" or trembling hands. If coffee has some effects upon a person -i.e. insomia, nervousness, trembling hands,etc., most likely he has that "misalignment." With that "warning" he should not venture using prohibited drugs for mostlikely he is prone to addiction and nervous breakdown.

          The alternative spiritual healing for addiction is for a prayer "In Jesus Name" for "realignment" or "touch" casting away the "mild bone misalignment", after the addict has, however, undergone spiritual processing [i.e. conversion and confession].

          Praise the Lord!

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