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          A lot of people thought that the advent of recent technologies and scientific inventions disprove the Bible. Science has drifted away from God and that science has fictionalized God and the Bible. So much so that majority of the people of the world today separated science from religion. This is wrong. Scientific discoveries have been misappreciated and not correctly evaluated.

          This confirms Isaiah's prophecy:

          "This people will listen and listen, but not understand; they will look and look but not see, because their minds are dull, and they have stuffed up their ears and have closed their eyes. Otherwise, their eyes would see, their ears would hear; their minds would understand and they would turn to me, says God and I would heal them" [Matthew 13:14-15]. which explains the non-appreciation of recent technologies. Prevailing technologies and scientific inventions, fortunately, confirm God's existence, and His authorship of science.

          Take the following illustrative cases.

          First, On the issue of the creation of the universe. This is settled- no man has ever lived and presented a "competing universe." or proved- "Big Cosmic Explosion." Unproven theories cannot easily debunk visible and existing realities. On the contrary, the discoveries of Copernicos, Galileo and others on gravity, stars, galaxies, etc. have confirmed the early Biblical passages [Genesis:1:1-28; Job 9:5-10; Ps. 148:1-13; Is. 42:5 Lk 1:37]; .-The universe has God, its Creator ;and he, who denies His existence, is a" fool" [Ps.53:1].

          Second, on the creation of man, the Scripture tells us that God created man in His own image and likeness [Genesis.1:26-27]. Man, however, differs in God because of sin [Gaudium et Spes, 22]; and because God is a Triune God ."Thus, "stating that we have intellect and free will , however, covers only part of our likeness to God, as God not only has His Intellect and Free will but is a triune God, Who is three Persons- the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit- united as One still remaining as three distinct Persons but completely sharing the same perfect Divine Nature because of the Infinite Love between Them. The principle here is that the distance between different persons decreases, as the love between them increases, and disappears completely, when the love is infinite. Actually, the Love is between the Father and the Son and this Love Itself is another Person: the Holy Spirit.

          Thus, God is not a lonesome, stationary being but Three Persons interacting with each other with infinite intensity and harmony in Their infinite Wisdom Goodness; and Love for all eternity"[ id p. 13]."

          So like God, men have souls with intellect and free will. Unlike animals, men can conduct intellectual activities by distinguishing between truth and errors and between good and evil and, then, with their free will, choose between truth and errors and between good and evil. However, their free will is not perfect.

          Thus, "Our ability to exercise intellect and free will is not perfect., though, because our human nature was impaired and weakened by original sin. For this reason, we are vulnerable to the disorderly inclination in ourselves and the evil temptations by the devil and the world. Imperfect as they may be, our intellect and free will are at work in our daily lives and we will be held responsible for all the choices we make with our thoughts, words, and acts. The weakness and limitation of our human nature is compensated for by the help of supernatural graces from God in our understanding the supernatural truths, in our keeping God's commandment and in our attaining eternal life." [ An Outline of Our Lady's Message in Naju, Korea, p.3].

          In likeness of the Triune God, the human beings were created not as lonely creatures but as social beings. Man is the crown of God's creation. Science is proving another unproven theory: man is the product of "evolution" and his "ancestor" is not Adam but an unknown "ape." The first Adam is in the "likeness of God" The Second Adam, the Historical Jesus is in the likeness of men[ "Son of Man, repeatedly mentioned in the bible]. Historical Jesus prove the existence of Adam and His "genealogy"[ancestors or generations] stated in the Bible [Mt. 1:1-18-24]. The lymphatic system of every man is responsible in protecting, preserving, keeping and procreating the "genetic" of every man. As elsewhere stated in the proponent's work, the immune[lymphatic] system as the "connecting link" of God to man is the object of long research, with gigantic funding of science- the so-called science's search of the "missing link" of man's ancestor. They failed miserably in ignoring the truth already stated in the Bible- "In God's likeness [Gen. 1:26].

          The "computer" [internet or not] today is the superior mind of Man. So the mind of man is not accidental or product of evolution but part of the body system of the first man and to every man of our present generation. Man with intellect like that of God is the only creature inventing many things, left and right in this world. Why the monkeys yesterday and today have not come out even with one invention: a trouser or brief to cover their private parts is expected biblically and biologically, for "ape is ape", "man is man."

          On evolution the author in his several books present this antithesis: any "evolutionary" or erratic cell is necessarily against "genetic" of man; hence, must be destroyed otherwise it becomes "cancerous." Cancer cases naturally debunk "evolution theory" and confirm procreation theory of the believers of God.

          There is scientific shortcut to prove early parentage of man to avoid wastage of money in scientific research: test the theory of the author: "cancerous cells are replacement cells." "No injury, no infection, no damage, no replacement cells, " If the erroneous evolutionary /replacement cells in the body are not destroyed by the immunity system, and they become unwanted cancerous/non-cancerous cells, then- Good- bye Darwin's "theory of evolution" written in 1859 as against the Old Testamentwritten between the period of 2000-1500 B.C.

          Third, on the immaculate conception of Mary two thousand years ago is partially/qualifiedly confirmed. The "test tube babies", the "caesarian delivery"and "fertilization" clinics of our time confirm with qualification the biblical "spiritual fertilization and "unseen delivery". Only it could not be scientifically "duplicated" for there is only one Jesus Christ , one Virgin Mary and one Holy Spirit involved in the salvific "Incarnation of the Word"[Jon. 1:14] On the recent scientific pad of "cloning", God is way ahead over any genius of men - "cloned" Eve from Adam's ribs, [Genesis: 2:21].

          Fourth, on the "conversation" of Moses and the "voice" of "I AM WHO AM" [represented by the burning shrubs" at Mt. Horeb;see Exo: 3:4-15; ], the voices and responses for almost four thousand years ago could be made possible through the confirmed use of the science of radio and cordless cellular phones of our present time. Only that the modern man does not know the specific kilocycles/ air lanes of His Creator for the Latter's instant use any time ,at any place and at His time.

          Fifth, during the earthly sojourn of Jesus where He preached as recorded in the Scriptures, multitude of people , thousand upon thousands in the open fields, in the open hills, in the open seashores and it is humanly impossible for those number of people to hear His sermon distinctly and clearly. But He used two thousand years ago the modern means of communication discovered in our time [i.e. the confirmed radio, loudspeakers, etc].

          Sixth, two thousand years ago, Jesus performed the first "genetic engineering"[transplant] when He restored the severed right ear of Malchus which was cut by Peter during His arrest. [Luke 22:47-51; Matthew 26:47-56; Mark 24:43-50; John 28:3-11] But His message is clear: transplant of its own kind to avoid genetic incompatibility. The "genetic engineering" of the present time involves "genetic incompatability" [i.e. using other organs] at the expense of the destruction of the natural/killer cells of the lymphatic system of the transplanted patient. Since malfunctioning/dysfunctioning of body parts [i.e., lungs, heart, kidney,etc.] is attributable to the mild bone misalignment discussed in the other works of the author, the correct approach in the initial stage of life should be preventive: avoid bodily misalignment by proper child care and development and thereafter, if there is misalignment and already an "incurable defect" a "suggested" correctible alinement surgery be performed at the "lesion" area of the body.

          Seventh, During the first advent of Jesus, two thousand years ago, his disciples, namely: Peter, John and James witnessed the "transfiguration" where chosen men of different times- Jesus, Moses and Elijah were talking together in the sky. As narrated: "About a week after he said these things, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up a hill to pray. While he was praying his face changed its appearance, and his clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly two men were there talking with Him. They were Moses and Ellijah. who appeared in heavenly glory and talked with Jesus about the way in which he would soon fulfill God's purpose by dying in Jerusalem. Peter and his companions were sound asleep, but they woke up and saw Jesus' glory and the two men who were standing with him. As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to him, "Master, how good it is that we are here? We will make three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. [He did not really know what he was saying.] . While he was still speaking a cloud appeared and covered them with its shadow; and the disciples were afraid as the cloud came over them. "A voice said from the cloud: "This is my Son whom I have chosen- Listen to him! When the voice stopped there was Jesus all alone. The disciples kept quiet about all this and told no one at that time anything they had seen. [Luke 9:28-36; Matthew 17:1-7; Mark 9:2-8]. capturing the pictures and sounds without consuming it. The pictures and voices travel at the speed of sound and light, becoming spaceless and timeless. The global television[thru Satellites] and on-line show the speed of the pictures[ "spirit"] coming from different places at the "click" of the "remote" control of your TV/computer.

          Your TV/internet computer has a lesson to learn: it will prove the science how God can be OMNIPRESENT [present at every place and time], and be located at the same time in different places[MULTI-LOCATION]. If TV facilities/internet computer can communicate anyone within its power coverage, God can see and hear also anyone and can answer anyone using the very "science" He authored. God has ITS own kilohertz and God has Its own lines to hear His people and Answer His people. He can also used any existing TV station if He wants to. Evangelical healing through TV is a proof of that availment/usage.

          However, TV/internet computer can also be dangerous as "instrument" in the spiritual warfare when also availed of by the "enemies" of God, sowing the seeds of false education and propagating gross misinformation and deception.

          God is Great!

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