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       "THE ALLURE OF DRUGS [Is Intoxication A Basic Human Need?]"


          The human pursuit of intoxication -i.e. drug-induced altered consciousness is a universal drive as basic as hunger and thirst. In fact, people of all ages throughout history have enjoyed altering their consciousness, both naturally and chemically, just as little children like to play spinning around until they are dizzy and disoriented. Some scientists believe and opine that humans have a natural need to change their awareness from time to time, in response to a harsh or boring environment or an effort to decrease feelings of fatigue, tension and anxiety.

          To consider intoxication as desirable and basic need is not only ridiculous but tragic as well because to become intoxicated with drugs naturally impairs human abilities. Major religions of the world [ie., Seventh Adventist, etc.] oppose intoxication and drunkenness, because such conditions of impairment interfere with the creator-creature relationship. Medically, also, there is that potential danger that any drug used continuously to achieve intoxication for whatever reason will threaten psychological and spiritual growth and possibly end up in drug dependence

    The Mood Modification

          Primarily, many people seek out and take psychoactive drugs to change their conscious-experience. In fact, drug use generally originates in the search for pleasure or the relief of from pain in a harsh environment. Typically, people seeking drugs want to feel better, less worse, or just different. Psychoactive drugs provide an easy and relatively quick way to achieve this goal. This changed consciousness is typically described as "mood modification" consisting of some alteration in thinking, feeling, or behaving. Mood modification is often associated with altered states of consciousness "... marked by feeling of euphoria, lightness, self-transcendence, concentration and energy.

    Drugs Among The Youth

          Youth often take drugs in imitation of adults, many of whom are convinced that an appropriate drug treatment exists for every ailment. Youth rebellion, often viewed as a contributing factor in the drug-abuse epidemic was both a rejection of the traditional values and a generational conflict between parents and children.

          Youthful drug users[addicts] started the use of drugs due to bad influence or in company of their friends. Drugs are shared in "pot sessions" in secluded places, inside the rooms or inside the car in accompany of their so-called "friends". Some groups have considered smoking the prohibited "grass" as "status symbol" of their group. To be "in" in the group one has to smoke or use prohibited/regulated drugs. This, however, is nonsense or ridiculous to many but "a privilege" and "status" for others.

          The Bible warns the dangers of having bad companies and bad friends. To quote some pertinent scriptural passages illustrative of this point:

          (1) "Be not be friendly with hotheaded man, nor the companion of a wrathful man, Lest your learn his ways, and get yourselves into a snare."[Proverb 22:24-25];

          (2) "He who covers up a misdeed foster friendship, but he who gossips about it separate friends." [ Proverb 17:9];

          (3) "Some friends bring ruin on us, but a true friend is more loyal than a brother ."[Proverb 8:24];

          (4) Wealth adds many friends, but the friend of the poor man deserts him."[Proverbs 19:4].

          On the other hand, the Book of Sirach speaks of "true friendship":

  • " A kind mouth, multiply friends, and gracious lips prompt friendly greetings. Let your acquaintance be many, but one in a thousand your confidant. When you gain a friend, first test him, and be not to be ready to trust him. For one short of friend is a friend when it suits him, but will not be with you in time of distress. Another is a friend who becomes an enemy, and tells of the quarrel to your share. Another is a friend, a boon companion, who will not be with you when sorrow comes. When things go well, he is your other self, and lords it over your servants; But if you are brought low, he turned against you and avoids meeting you. Keep away from your enemies; be on your guard with your friends. A faithful friend is beyond price, no sum can balance this worth. A faithful friend is a life-saving remedy, such as he who fears God finds; For he who fears God behaves accordingly, and his friend will be like himself." [Sirach 6:5-17]

  •       Speaking of some counselors and advisers to you, please note of this warning in the Book of Sirach: "Every counsel points out a way but some counsel ways of their own: Be on the alert when one proffers advice, seek out first of all what he wants. For he may be thinking of himself alone; why should the profit fall to him? He may tell you how good your way will be, and then stand by to watch your misfortune. Seek no advice from him who regard you with hostility; from those who envy you, keep your intention hidden." [ Sirach 37:7-10].

          Don't let your friends influence you. On the contrary let your goodness be an influence to your friends so that they may give up their bad habits and

          lead them away from the dreaded effects of the prohibited/regulated drugs.

    Drug Use and Abuse

          Among the elderly In USA with the number of senior citizens increasing rapidly, the amount of medicine used by this segment of the population will likely become phenomenal. And the improper use of drugs, misdiagnoses by physicians and inappropriate dosage levels.

          Emerging from a national conspiracy of silence and neglect is an epidemic of over drugging the aged, often with medicines they do not even need. Medication errors in nursing and care homes have become extremely high; some physicians and drug companies have used elderly patients as test subjects for drug experimentations without obtaining informed consent from the affected individual; and anti-psychotic drugs have been used institutional settings to control the elderly who simply become disruptive with their care givers. All of these conditions are part of the "mis-medication" of older Americans. In the Philippines, the situation is, however, contrasting. The elderly and the aged Filipinos, generally, have no medicine to misuse, and abuse.

    Drug Use and Abuse Among Athletes

          There is nothing new about the use of drugs among athletes. Traditionally, chemical compounds have been employed in treating injuries, alleviating anxiety and nervous conditions and relieving pain and inflammation sustained in sports competition. Certain drugs have also been used not to cure disease or restore health but rather enhance or add to athletic performance when use to artificially improve athletic skills or competition, drug are described as ergogenic agents. The practice of using performance-enhancing ergogenic drugs has been known as doping.

          To athletes who engaged in doping to achieve the desired feat are actually risking: their immediate disqualification or suspension and the embarrassment of being divested with their already awarded medals.

          In reaction to the practice of doping, the International Olympic Committee has banned the use of the following ergogenic substances:

          (1) Psychomotor stimulants, including amphetamines and cocaine;

          (2) Sympathomimetic amines such as ephedrine and related compounds;

          (3) Miscellaneous central nervous system stimulants, including amiphernazole, leptazol, and strychnine;

          (4) Narcotic analgesics, such as coddine, heroin, methadone, and morphine;

          (5) Anabolic steroids, synthetic male hormones.[Dugal, Robert, 1980, Screening].

          The Scientific Deterrent to Athletic Drug Abuse [Laboratory Management [April) ; Amphetamines produces alertness, a decreased sense of fatigue, elevated mood, enhanced confidence and initiative, ability to concentrate, and an increase in speech and motor ability- all valuable factors in improving athletic performance. Used by both male and female athletes, anabolic steroids [synthetic derivatives of testorerone, the major male sex hormone] are taken to build lean muscle mass and to improve the strength and mechanical efficiency of skeletal muscles. Many athletes as to believe that these drugs enhance aggressiveness, another desirable characteristics in today's competitive sport scene [Carroll, supra, p. 45]

    Other Cases

           Generally, prohibited and regulated drugs are stimulants and energizers to some. To those involved in the show business they take drugs to remove their shyness, to make them more aggressive and creative. But when hooked, too much of their income are spent for the drugs and maintenance of their dependence and worst, they face the humiliation of the life of the addicts in our society. Professionals and workers [i.e., taxi drivers, prostitutes, singers, receptionists, etc.] in nightly shift or works are likely to use drugs to keep them awake or to feel alertness and lessen the feeling of fatigue. The purpose may be good but they are on the way of destroying themselves and be hooked, sooner or later with the dreadful demands of stress and daily living without being overwhelmed. One's general pattern of coping behaviors is known as the personality.

          Psychoactive drug, especially alcohol, tobacco and marijuana, are often used as a coping methods in dealing with problem of self-identity, self-esteem, boredom, family discord, academic pressure, and chronic depression. In some instances, drug abuse is related to asserting independence or more simply a self-indulgent desire for well-being. In fact, various pills, booze, tobacco, and pot appear to resolve these stress-generating problems, at least temporarily. Mood modifiers, therefore are convenient tools in the search for relief, escape, love, security and power.

    Family Influence

           The family is influence in the use and abuse of drugs can be viewed as predisposing, enabling and also reinforcing. Of importance are parental modeling and the nature of parent- child interactions. The typical drug-abuser family has one parent intensely involved with the abuser, while the other is more punitive, distant and/or absent. The drug-abusing child serves as a communication channel for the parents or as a disrupter of family stability. On the other hand, the drug abuser may seek a "sick state" in order to focus parental interest on himself.

    Charismatic Observation

          Those with troubled minds are prone to drugs. These are also the breeds of people who look for drugs for treatment and for immediate solutions of their problems that keep recurring or confronting their minds.

          PRAISE THE LORD!

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